
The benefits of at-home eye examinations

Phone: 01268 777729  Contact Us The Benefits of At-Home Eye Examinations It’s no secret that our eyesight deteriorates as we age. By the time we reach our 60s, most of us will have developed some degree of presbyopia, cataracts, or macular degeneration. This is why it’s so important to get regular eye examinations. However, for […]

top 5 reasons to get your eyes tested at home

Phone: 01268 777729  Contact Us Top 5 reasons to get your eyes tested at home If you’re over 60 or housebound, you may be wondering if it’s worth it to get your eyes tested at home.  After all, isn’t that something that only happens at the optometrist?  As it turns out, there are a number […]

Why you should get your eyes tested at home

Phone: 01268 777729  Contact Us Get Your Eyes Tested at Home with Our Eye Exam Service https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bDYsFI3EUzc As we age, our eyesight naturally begins to decline. This can make it difficult to get out and about, especially if you don’t have anyone to help you. Home eye exams are a great way to keep on […]

Home Eye Care from the specialists

Phone: 01268 777729  Contact Us HOME EYE CARE FROM THE SPECIALISTS A Family Run Independent Opometrists That Visits You at Home! 0 Home Eye Tests Spaces Left Available in OCT Eligibility book your home eye care Home Visit Opticians If you are elderly or medically housebound and cannot leave your place of residence or care, […]

Independent Home Visit Opticians

☎ 01268 777729 Contact Us Independent Private Home Visit Opticians https://www.templeman-opticians.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/1_custom_landscape_Untitled_video.mp4 – Independent Optician – Home Visit Specialists– Family Run business– Est. Since 1969 NHS Free Home Eye Tests –patient satisfaction 100% Guaranteed Book your home visit today step 1 Arranging a home visit  sight test examination    If you need an eye examination it […]

NHS Optical Vouchers Explained

nhs opticians

☎ 01268 777729 Contact Us NHS Optical Vouchers Explained Free NHS eye tests and optical vouchers Find out if you’re entitled to a free NHS sight test or an optical voucher to reduce the cost of glasses or contact lenses. If you’re not eligible for NHS-funded sight tests or optical vouchers, you’ll have to cover […]

How an eye test at home for the elderly works

☎ 01268 777729 Contact Us How an eye test at home for the elderly works… Elderly Eye Test At Home Specialists FREE Home Eye Tests From A Family Run In Dependant Opticians Est. Since 1969 NHS Home visits –patient satisfaction 100% Guaranteed get started BOOK YOUR HOME EYE TEST here NOW step 1 Arranging a […]

Worried about your eye health? Free NHS Home Visits

For Bookings & Support call us on ☎ 01268 777729 Over 50 Years Experience – Home Visit Opticians – Free Home Eye Tests  Contact us Worried about your eye health? Looking for a convenient optometrist in your area? Look no further than Templeman’s, an independent optician that offers home visits throughout Essex. You’re not alone. […]

Opticians who visit you at home

Contact us Looking for opticians who will visit you at home? Look no further than Templeman Opticians! We specialize in providing opticians services and home eye tests focused on improving the eye care of people over 60. Our team of opticians and assistants are never on commission, so you can be sure you’re getting the […]

Our team of specialist mobile opticians can come to those who can’t visit us in-store unaccompanied due to a physical or mental illness or disability.

In order to be eligible for a home visit, you or someone you know might:

  • have a condition that stops you from leaving your home unaccompanied due to poor health, or

  • be living with a diagnosed mental health condition that prevents you from leaving your home without the assistance of another person, or

  • be housebound or bedbound due to a physical disability

What do we mean by a physical or mental illness?

There are many conditions and reasons why someone might not able to leave their home unaccompanied. It’s best to talk to us about your situation so we can determine if you do meet the criteria, but to try and help make it a little clearer, here are a few examples. 

Conditions may include (but aren’t limited to):

  • Cognitive impairment
  • Dementia
  • Severe arthritis
  • A diagnosed mental illness
  • A condition that affects your mobility
  • A condition that affects your short term memory
  • An illness that requires constant medication (for example, oxygen)
  • A temporary medical reason prohibiting you from leaving your home (such as vertigo)
  • A temporary illness that prevents a person from leaving the home unaccompanied
  • A medical professional has advised you not to leave home without help

Whatever the reason is, if you or someone you know can’t leave the home without the assistance of another person, then get in touch to find out if you’re eligible to have a home eye test.

Who qualifies for a free home eye test?

Those who have a physical or mental illness which prevent you from leaving your home unaccompanied.

Those who are eligible for free NHS-funded eye tests by checking the criteria below.

The majority of our customers qualify for a free NHS-funded eye test. 

See if you do by checking if you meet at least one of the following criteria:

  • Aged 60 or over
  • Registered as partially sighted or blind
  • Diagnosed with diabetes or glaucoma
  • Considered to be at risk of glaucoma, as advised by an optician
  • Aged 40 or over and have a family member diagnosed with glaucoma, or have a family history of glaucoma
  • Receiving benefit*
  • Entitled to, or named on, a valid NHS tax credit exemption certificate
  • Named on a valid NHS HC2 certificate (full help). Those named on an NHS HC3 certificate (partial help) may also get help with the cost of a private eye test
  • Eligible for an NHS Complex Lens Voucher (your optician will advise on the entitlement)

*You’re also entitled if you or your partner (including civil partner) receive, or you’re under the age of 20 and the dependant of someone receiving: Income Support, Income-related Employment, and Support Allowance, Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance, Pension Credit Guarantee Credit.

Our team of specialist mobile opticians can come to those who can’t visit us in store unaccompanied due to a physical or mental illness or disability.

In order to be eligible for a home visit, you or someone you know might:

  • have a condition that stops you from leaving your home unaccompanied due to poor health, or

  • be living with a diagnosed mental health condition that prevents you from leaving your home without the assistance of another person, or

  • be housebound or bedbound due to a physical disability

What do we mean by a physical or mental illness?

There are many conditions and reasons why someone might not able to leave their home unaccompanied. It’s best to talk to us about your situation so we can determine if you do meet the criteria, but to try and help make it a little clearer, here are a few examples. Conditions may include (but aren’t limited to):

  • Cognitive impairment
  • Dementia
  • Severe arthritis
  • A diagnosed mental illness
  • A condition that affects your mobility
  • A condition that affects your short term memory
  • An illness that requires constant medication (for example, oxygen)
  • A temporary medical reason prohibiting you from leaving your home (such as vertigo)
  • A temporary illness that prevents a person from leaving the home unaccompanied
  • A medical professional has advised you not to leave home without help

Whatever the reason is, if you or someone you know can’t leave the home without the assistance of another person, then get in touch to find out if you’re eligible to have a home eye test.

Who qualifies for a free home eye test?

Those who have a physical or mental illness which prevents you from leaving your home unaccompanied.

Those who are eligible for free NHS-funded eye test by checking the criteria below.

The majority of our customers qualify for a free NHS-funded eye test. See if you do by checking if you meet at least one of the following criteria:

  • Aged 60 or over
  • Registered as partially sighted or blind
  • Diagnosed with diabetes or glaucoma
  • Considered to be at risk of glaucoma, as advised by an optician
  • Aged 40 or over and have a family member diagnosed with glaucoma, or have a family history of glaucoma
  • Receiving benefit*
  • Entitled to, or named on, a valid NHS tax credit exemption certificate
  • Named on a valid NHS HC2 certificate (full help). Those named on an NHS HC3 certificate (partial help) may also get help with the cost of a private eye test
  • Eligible for an NHS Complex Lens Voucher (your optician will advise on the entitlement)

*You’re also entitled if you or your partner (including civil partner) receive, or you’re under the age of 20 and the dependant of someone receiving: Income Support, Income-related Employment and Support Allowance, Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance, Pension Credit Guarantee Credit.

Who does not qualify for our home visit service?

No matter what condition you have, if you are physically able to leave your home on your own without needing help or assistance of another person, you will not qualify for a free NHS-funded home eye test.

We are also unable to visit patients in hospital.