Macular Oedema
Affecting the macula, which is in the retina, macular oedema refers to a fluid build-up that results in blurry vision.
Macular degeneration
Affects your central vision and your ability to focus on things like driving, faces and reading. There are two types: dry and wet.
Macular hole
A hole that forms in the centre of the retina – where we process detailed and central vision. It may lead to reduced vision, but in many cases can be treated with an operation.
More commonly known as short sight, people with myopia can see things clearly up close, but things far away are blurred.
Night Blindness (Nyctalopia)
Night blindness (nyctalopia) is a symptom of various eye conditions that make it difficult to see at night or in low light environments.
Nystagmus, or ‘dancing eyes’, is the involuntary movement of the eyes. It usually looks like the eyes are constantly moving, either side to side, up and down, in a circle or a combination of all three.
Ocular herpes (eye herpes)
Ocular herpes, also known as eye herpes, is an eye condition caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV) or the varicella zoster virus (VZV).
Ocular hypertension
Raised eye pressure caused by issues draining the fluid inside the eye. Although symptomless, people with ocular hypertension are more at risk of developing glaucoma, a more serious eye condition.
Ocular migraines (retinal migraines)
Ocular migraines are temporary visual disturbances, which usually occur in one eye. They’re quite common and symptoms will normally disappear on their own.
Optic neuritis
Caused by an inflammation of the optic nerve, optic neuritis, can disturb the messages going from your eye to your brain and therefore disrupt your vision.
Also known as light sensitivity, photophobia is a symptom of light intolerance that causes uncomfortable and sometimes painful eyes when exposed to bright light.
A common age-related condition where yellow bumps develop on the white of your eye. It’s usually harmless and typically follows from long-term exposure to UV light from the sun.
Posterior vitreous detachment
An age-related condition that causes an increase of floaters in your vision. It’s usually nothing to worry about, but can be linked to retinal detachment.
A natural loss of elasticity of the lens from around the age of 40 that affects your ability to focus on things close-up, like reading.
A pterygium is a noncancerous growth that develops on the white bit of your eye.
Ptosis, also known as droopy eyelid, is a condition where the eyelid starts to fall down below the normal level.
Puffy eyes
As the name suggests, puffy eyes look like your eyes are puffed up or swollen. This can be caused by a number of things, including lifestyle factors, but it’s usually nothing to worry about.
Red eye
It may look alarming, but it’s usually a sign of a minor condition like conjunctivitis. But it may be a more serious issue if you feel any pain.
Retinal detachment
Occurs when the retina, which lines the back of the eye, pulls away from the blood vessels that keep it healthy.
Retinitis pigmentosa
Retinitis Pigmentosa, also known as RP, is a genetic condition that affects peripheral and night vision.
Scratched eye
Known as a corneal abrasion, a scratched eye is a pretty common complaint but it can range in severity.
Snow blindness
Also known as photokeratitis, this is a temporary but painful eye condition where the cornea becomes sunburned due to overexposure of UV light.
Squint (strabismus)
A squint, or strabismus, is prevelant in young children but can occur at any age. It is noticeable in the way the eyes do not align correctly.
Stye (hordeolum)
Other wise known as a hordeolum, a stye is a small, often painful lump developing on the inside or outside the eyelid.
Subconjunctival haemorrhage
Although this condition sounds and looks a bit worrying, it’s a painless and usually harmless condition where one of the blood vessels on the surface of the eye bursts.
Sunstroke and sunburned eyes
Just as the sun can harm your skin, it can also affect your eyes and potentially impact your vision. Make sure to protect your eyes from UV damage on sunnier days.
Swollen eyelid
Learn about some of the possible causes as well as what you can do to relieve any eyelid swelling you may experience.
Tunnel vision
This happens when your peripheral vision (or side vision) worsens or is lost. As the name suggests, it can seem like you’re looking through a tunnel.
A rare condition, uveitis causes the middle layer of the eye to become inflamed, which can therefore cause pain, redness, and swelling.
Watering eyes
Occurs if too many tears are produced or if they can’t drain properly causing sore, uncomfortable eyes with blurred vision