
Need some new lenses for your glasses and looking for a way to keep the costs down?

Save money today we understand that most people don’t want to keep buying new glasses at every eye test.

We’ve made it easy and affordable to reglaze your glasses

As an independent Optometrist, we can offer you a replacement lens service on premium branded lenses including Zeiss, Nikon, Essilor, Hoya, and Kodak.

Our experienced technicians specialise in reglazing glasses for all frame makes models and styles.

You can always expect a premium service when you choose to replace the lenses in your glasses.

Try our safe and secure service today for expert reglazing, the easy way.

Replacement Lenses for glasses in Rochford, Essex.

Post your glasses or we can collect

Simply fill out our online form and we will contact you to arrange collection or post.

When we say we’ve made it easy to reglaze your glasses, we mean it.

Our simple and efficient process maximises efficiency while giving you peace of mind the whole time.

We Fit New Lenses

When your frames arrive in our laboratory we’ll contact you to discuss your new lens options.

Your glasses will be cared for throughout the process, so you can send them in complete confidence.

Lenses Types for Glasses
Replacement Single Vision Lenses

If you only need glasses for one type of vision, your optician may prescribe singlevision glasses to you. People under 40 usually have this type of lens

Single vision lenses are designed to correct sight at one distance only, with a single prescription covering the entire surface of the lens.

Single vision distance is a term for lenses that correct your distance vision to see far away.

If you are nearsighted, you will need distance single vision.

We provide all of our customers with an extensive range of single vision lenses and customisable options so that your glasses will tailor to your needs.

Replacement Bifocal Lenses

Glasses with bifocal lenses are most commonly used by those with presbyopia – an age-related condition where the eyes begin to struggle to focus on anything.

Bifocals contain two lens powers; trifocals have three. Progressive multifocal lenses gradually change in power from the top half of the lens to the bottom.

Bifocal glasses contain a small reading segment in the lower part of the lens and are used when you have prescriptions for both near and far distances.

We offer the best cost-effective solution to replacing the lenses in your glasses with bifocal lenses.



Replacement Varifocal Lenses

Varifocal lenses allow you to see at any distance.

It’s because they have different sections for viewing close up and far away and everything in between.

So whether you’re driving, using a computer, shopping or reading, you can wear one pair of varifocals to accommodate all your vision needs.

Varifocal glasses, also known as varifocals, varifocal lenses, PAL,s or progressive lenses, have a gradual change in strength from the top of the lens to the bottom.

Varifocal glasses contain lenses that combine your distance, intermediate, and near vision with no visible line. Looking straight ahead you can see clearly.

Varifocal lenses are prescribed when your glasses require more than one prescription for your vision.

Reglaze Glasses & Sunglasses - Prescription changed? Lenses damaged? Get new lenses in your frame. Varifocal and Oakley Specialists.

Looking to find out if you can have lenses replaced into your existing frames? … frames, their size, shape, curvature, and your prescription requirements.

You will get all the options you would expect in a high-street optician, and we can fit your frames with distance, reading, varifocals or bifocals, tinted lenses, polaroid, blue protect, or transition lenses.

Our qualified in-house opticians are ready to check your order at the start and at the final checking

Frequently Asked Questions about replacing your lenses

80% of the time its possible that you can put prescription lenses in any frames

Getting new lenses for old frames isn’t usually something difficult to do, as long as your frames in good condition.

This process approximately takes between 1 and 2 days.

Once your frames arrive in our state of the art lens laboratory, we’ll start making your lenses to the original frames exact measurements to ensure a safe and secure fit.

This will take us between one and two days also.

So full delivery time is around 3-4 workings days.

Where to get replacement lenses for your frames. Typically,  Templeman Opticians will replace the lenses for you if your frames are in good condition and the shape of the lenses isn’t too complicated. Its a great way to save money or just keep a spare pair updated.

The best thing to do isbring your frames with you we will be able to tell you on the spot whether they are in good enough condition for a glasses reglaze. 


Whether you have a high quality unused glasses from an old pair of sunglasses that you want to still get use out of or you need your tinted shades to provide you with corrective lenses, you can indeed get your sunglasses converted into prescription glasses here at templeman opticians.

Any questions please call 01268 777729 

Warm regards, Wendy Templeman

With a firm commitment to professionalism and excellence, we are proud to be NHS registered and licensed, ensuring that you receive trusted and reliable eye care services. Our caring and compassionate team takes the time to understand your unique vision concerns and provide tailored solutions that align with your lifestyle and preferences.

Get In Touch

Our team of specialist mobile opticians can come to those who can’t visit us in-store unaccompanied due to a physical or mental illness or disability.

In order to be eligible for a home visit, you or someone you know might:

  • have a condition that stops you from leaving your home unaccompanied due to poor health, or

  • be living with a diagnosed mental health condition that prevents you from leaving your home without the assistance of another person, or

  • be housebound or bedbound due to a physical disability

What do we mean by a physical or mental illness?

There are many conditions and reasons why someone might not able to leave their home unaccompanied. It’s best to talk to us about your situation so we can determine if you do meet the criteria, but to try and help make it a little clearer, here are a few examples. 

Conditions may include (but aren’t limited to):

  • Cognitive impairment
  • Dementia
  • Severe arthritis
  • A diagnosed mental illness
  • A condition that affects your mobility
  • A condition that affects your short term memory
  • An illness that requires constant medication (for example, oxygen)
  • A temporary medical reason prohibiting you from leaving your home (such as vertigo)
  • A temporary illness that prevents a person from leaving the home unaccompanied
  • A medical professional has advised you not to leave home without help

Whatever the reason is, if you or someone you know can’t leave the home without the assistance of another person, then get in touch to find out if you’re eligible to have a home eye test.

Who qualifies for a free home eye test?

Those who have a physical or mental illness which prevent you from leaving your home unaccompanied.

Those who are eligible for free NHS-funded eye tests by checking the criteria below.

The majority of our customers qualify for a free NHS-funded eye test. 

See if you do by checking if you meet at least one of the following criteria:

  • Aged 60 or over
  • Registered as partially sighted or blind
  • Diagnosed with diabetes or glaucoma
  • Considered to be at risk of glaucoma, as advised by an optician
  • Aged 40 or over and have a family member diagnosed with glaucoma, or have a family history of glaucoma
  • Receiving benefit*
  • Entitled to, or named on, a valid NHS tax credit exemption certificate
  • Named on a valid NHS HC2 certificate (full help). Those named on an NHS HC3 certificate (partial help) may also get help with the cost of a private eye test
  • Eligible for an NHS Complex Lens Voucher (your optician will advise on the entitlement)

*You’re also entitled if you or your partner (including civil partner) receive, or you’re under the age of 20 and the dependant of someone receiving: Income Support, Income-related Employment, and Support Allowance, Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance, Pension Credit Guarantee Credit.

Our team of specialist mobile opticians can come to those who can’t visit us in store unaccompanied due to a physical or mental illness or disability.

In order to be eligible for a home visit, you or someone you know might:

  • have a condition that stops you from leaving your home unaccompanied due to poor health, or

  • be living with a diagnosed mental health condition that prevents you from leaving your home without the assistance of another person, or

  • be housebound or bedbound due to a physical disability

What do we mean by a physical or mental illness?

There are many conditions and reasons why someone might not able to leave their home unaccompanied. It’s best to talk to us about your situation so we can determine if you do meet the criteria, but to try and help make it a little clearer, here are a few examples. Conditions may include (but aren’t limited to):

  • Cognitive impairment
  • Dementia
  • Severe arthritis
  • A diagnosed mental illness
  • A condition that affects your mobility
  • A condition that affects your short term memory
  • An illness that requires constant medication (for example, oxygen)
  • A temporary medical reason prohibiting you from leaving your home (such as vertigo)
  • A temporary illness that prevents a person from leaving the home unaccompanied
  • A medical professional has advised you not to leave home without help

Whatever the reason is, if you or someone you know can’t leave the home without the assistance of another person, then get in touch to find out if you’re eligible to have a home eye test.

Who qualifies for a free home eye test?

Those who have a physical or mental illness which prevents you from leaving your home unaccompanied.

Those who are eligible for free NHS-funded eye test by checking the criteria below.

The majority of our customers qualify for a free NHS-funded eye test. See if you do by checking if you meet at least one of the following criteria:

  • Aged 60 or over
  • Registered as partially sighted or blind
  • Diagnosed with diabetes or glaucoma
  • Considered to be at risk of glaucoma, as advised by an optician
  • Aged 40 or over and have a family member diagnosed with glaucoma, or have a family history of glaucoma
  • Receiving benefit*
  • Entitled to, or named on, a valid NHS tax credit exemption certificate
  • Named on a valid NHS HC2 certificate (full help). Those named on an NHS HC3 certificate (partial help) may also get help with the cost of a private eye test
  • Eligible for an NHS Complex Lens Voucher (your optician will advise on the entitlement)

*You’re also entitled if you or your partner (including civil partner) receive, or you’re under the age of 20 and the dependant of someone receiving: Income Support, Income-related Employment and Support Allowance, Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance, Pension Credit Guarantee Credit.

Who does not qualify for our home visit service?

No matter what condition you have, if you are physically able to leave your home on your own without needing help or assistance of another person, you will not qualify for a free NHS-funded home eye test.

We are also unable to visit patients in hospital.