If you’re unable to visit a high-street optician unaccompanied due to physical or mental health conditions, or if you’re over 60 and meet certain criteria, you may be eligible for a FREE NHS home eye test.
Our experienced optometrists will conduct a thorough eye exam in the comfort of your own home. We bring all the necessary equipment and use the same high standards as our clinic. Your eye health is our priority!
Don’t let vision problems go unchecked.
Contact Templeman Opticians today to see if you qualify for a FREE NHS home eye test and experience the convenience and peace of mind of expert eye care at home.
Templeman Opticians offers convenient and comprehensive home eye exams for seniors in Essex. Experience personalized care, NHS-funded options, and a wide selection of eyewear. Book your appointment today!
With a firm commitment to professionalism and excellence, we are proud to be NHS registered and licensed, ensuring that you receive trusted and reliable eye care services. Our caring and compassionate team takes the time to understand your unique vision concerns and provide tailored solutions that align with your lifestyle and preferences.
Our team of specialist mobile opticians can come to those who can’t visit us in store unaccompanied due to a physical or mental illness or disability.
have a condition that stops you from leaving your home unaccompanied due to poor health, or
be living with a diagnosed mental health condition that prevents you from leaving your home without the assistance of another person, or
be housebound or bedbound due to a physical disability
There are many conditions and reasons why someone might not able to leave their home unaccompanied. It’s best to talk to us about your situation so we can determine if you do meet the criteria, but to try and help make it a little clearer, here are a few examples. Conditions may include (but aren’t limited to):
Whatever the reason is, if you or someone you know can’t leave the home without the assistance of another person, then get in touch to find out if you’re eligible to have a home eye test.
Those who have a physical or mental illness which prevents you from leaving your home unaccompanied.
Those who are eligible for free NHS-funded eye test by checking the criteria below.
The majority of our customers qualify for a free NHS-funded eye test. See if you do by checking if you meet at least one of the following criteria:
*You’re also entitled if you or your partner (including civil partner) receive, or you’re under the age of 20 and the dependant of someone receiving: Income Support, Income-related Employment and Support Allowance, Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance, Pension Credit Guarantee Credit.
No matter what condition you have, if you are physically able to leave your home on your own without needing help or assistance of another person, you will not qualify for a free NHS-funded home eye test.
We are also unable to visit patients in hospital.
Our team of specialist mobile opticians can come to those who can’t visit us in-store unaccompanied due to a physical or mental illness or disability.
have a condition that stops you from leaving your home unaccompanied due to poor health, or
be living with a diagnosed mental health condition that prevents you from leaving your home without the assistance of another person, or
be housebound or bedbound due to a physical disability
There are many conditions and reasons why someone might not able to leave their home unaccompanied. It’s best to talk to us about your situation so we can determine if you do meet the criteria, but to try and help make it a little clearer, here are a few examples.
Conditions may include (but aren’t limited to):
Whatever the reason is, if you or someone you know can’t leave the home without the assistance of another person, then get in touch to find out if you’re eligible to have a home eye test.
Those who have a physical or mental illness which prevent you from leaving your home unaccompanied.
Those who are eligible for free NHS-funded eye tests by checking the criteria below.
The majority of our customers qualify for a free NHS-funded eye test.
See if you do by checking if you meet at least one of the following criteria:
*You’re also entitled if you or your partner (including civil partner) receive, or you’re under the age of 20 and the dependant of someone receiving: Income Support, Income-related Employment, and Support Allowance, Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance, Pension Credit Guarantee Credit.